Takara APS-01 Striker Optimus Prime Preorder 塔卡拉APS-01 爆甲擎天柱预定
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Takara Transformers Asia Premium Series APS-01 Striker Optimus Prime. Preorder. T社APS01爆甲擎天柱预定 USD149.9 149.9美元
Available in October 2012. 2012年10月到货
This is a Brand new version of Takara DOTM DA-28 Striker Optimus Prime. 这是T社DOTM大28爆甲擎天柱的全新版本
Special features include: 特别之处在于
Brighter Colour scheme 鲜亮色调
(The Dark Grey parts on Da-28 are tuned into Silver including the shield and Weapons. Red and blue colour are brighter instead of the dark colour tone in DA-28.) (大28的暗灰色调改为银漆涂装,包括盾牌和武器。红色和蓝色比大28的更鲜亮)
Chromed bumper in Vehicle mode. 卡车模式保险杠电镀处理
Special Designed Packaging 包装特别设计
Bonus Weapon (Battle Blades) 附赠武器(战刃)
Limited Production 限定产品
Final Product is subject to Takara's Final confirmation. T社最终成型产品为实际产品