heller战车 1/72战车 79899 AMX 30/105






AMX 30/105

Item no. 79899

GTIN 3279510798999

Scale 1:72

Parts 74

Packaging 45 x 235 x 127 mm

Availability Item in stock

Studied originally in cooperation with Germany and Italy, average tank AMX 30 had to become 

the European tank. Finally only France developed the machine which was achieved by the Construction 

workshop of Issy-les-Moulineaux (AMX Atelier de Construction d‘lssy-les-Moulineaux). It gave 

birth to numerous versions.

Price:10,99 €

厂商 Heller
系列 Heller装甲车辆拼装模型系列
级别或分类 1/72战车
价格 10.99欧元
名称 79899 AMX 30/105
版本 普通版
编号 79899
比例 1/72
材料种类 塑料
规格 盒规格45 x 235 x 127 mm
玩具分类 塑料拼装模型
参与创建 wendykan