海雅 载具 电影 异形2 装甲运兵车


海雅可动人偶系列 载具周边系列的级别或分类的周边单品





1/18系列 电影 异形2 M577 装甲运兵车 
Product Description 
The APC appeared in the movie Aliens as carrier for the colonial marines which was released from dropship to explore the base where aliens were found. After encountering the Aliens the marines used the APC to retreat to the safe zone.   The APC has luminous top and front lights, driver's panel lights and control room lights. The cab door and hatch entrance can be opened and the driver control stick is movable. The control panel seats slide and restraining bars of each seat can be raised. Top barbette turns and can be set backwards and the front barbette turns. The top and back hatch cover can be opened and there is room for ten to twelve 1:18 scale marines (one included as accessory).

厂商 海雅
系列 Hiya Toys/海雅
级别或分类 载具
价格 250美元
名称 电影 异形2 装甲运兵车
人物名 M577 装甲运兵车
版本 普通版
比例 1/18
材料种类 塑料
玩具分类 美系周边
参与创建 venomchow888